Miércoles de novedades! Hola, aquí estoy intentando mantenerme en la rutina y escribiros como de costumbre aunque de verdad ya quiero escribir desde la nueva web con el cambio de look que le he hecho, ya veis, hasta el blog se merece cambio de estilo.
El evento de hoy ha sido la presentación de la nueva colección ‘Machine’ de la marca de joyería de la arquitecta y diseñadora, Gabriela Mora, una venezolana afincada en Madrid y con una clara visión contemporánea en su trabajo. El descubrimiento de la historia que se esconde detrás de cada joya es todo un mundo creativo que para esta colección gira en torno al constructivismo ruso.
El aire futurista está presente en estas joyas de vanguardia, la estética de construcción de cada pieza es realmente arquitectónico con esa mezcla exacta de arte conceptual como lo afirma la diseñadora: “Mis diseños son súper geométricos. Yo necesito la escala en mis creaciones, necesito saber el tamaño real que va a tener la pieza, por eso hago pequeñas maquetas de los dibujos para ver las medidas y luego es que me voy al metal”. Estas joyas son ideales para amantes del minimalismo, lo contemporáneo y lo abstracto.
La presentación de la colección ha tenido lugar en el restaurante y café, también de dueñas venezolanas, El Velázquez 17 en pleno barrio de Salamanca. Y entre el delicioso desayuno, joyas que asimilan máquinas y que se ven chulas he pasado un día fenomenal.
Wednesday of news! Hello, here I am trying to stay in routine and write as usual but what I really want is to write from the new website with its new look, you see, even the blog style deserves a new style.
Today's event was the presentation of the new brand jewelry collection Machine of the architect and designer, Gabriela Mora, a Venezuelan who lives in Madrid and with a clear contemporary vision in her work. The discovery of the story behind each jewel is a whole creative world that for this collection revolves around the Russian Constructivism.
The futuristic inspiration is present in these jewels with an art and architectural aesthetic with the right mix of conceptual art, as the designer says: "My designs are super geometric. I need the scale in my creations, I need to know the actual size that will have the piece, so I make small models from the drawings to see the measures and then is that I go to the metal". These jewels are ideal for lovers of minimalism, contemporary and abstract designs.
The presentation of the collection has taken place in the restaurant, also owned by Venezuelans, El Velazquez 17 in the Barrio de Salamanca. Among the delicious breakfast and jewelry assimilating machines that look cool I have spent a great day.
Today's event was the presentation of the new brand jewelry collection Machine of the architect and designer, Gabriela Mora, a Venezuelan who lives in Madrid and with a clear contemporary vision in her work. The discovery of the story behind each jewel is a whole creative world that for this collection revolves around the Russian Constructivism.
The futuristic inspiration is present in these jewels with an art and architectural aesthetic with the right mix of conceptual art, as the designer says: "My designs are super geometric. I need the scale in my creations, I need to know the actual size that will have the piece, so I make small models from the drawings to see the measures and then is that I go to the metal". These jewels are ideal for lovers of minimalism, contemporary and abstract designs.
The presentation of the collection has taken place in the restaurant, also owned by Venezuelans, El Velazquez 17 in the Barrio de Salamanca. Among the delicious breakfast and jewelry assimilating machines that look cool I have spent a great day.
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